Benyou Wang
Currently, I am an assistant professor in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ). I got my phd degree from the University of Padova, Italy (very fortune to be supervised by Massimo Melucci and Emanuele Di Buiccio). See our lab on CUHKSZ LLM group.
I submit my thesis in Sep. 30th 2021 (Here is a draft version)and have it defended in March 2022.
I joined CUHKSZ as an assistant professor from June 1st 2022. Please send me emails if you are interested to work with me as a Ph.D., research associate, or post-doc. See JD here
- 2024年入选腾讯犀牛鸟项目, CFF-滴滴盖亚学者项目, 2024年入选华为AI百校计划
- 2023年获得华为火花奖
- I serve as a Website Chair in EMNLP 2023.
- I serve as a Publicity Chair in NLPCC 2023.
- Our paper ( Doge Ticket ) got the Best Paper Award in NLPCC 2022, see here .
- In September 2022, we got one paper accepted in NeurIPS (named MorphTE ) and another paper in EMNLP (Hypoformer ). Both papers are about compressing transformer models (either in embedding or fully-connected layers)
- In August 2022, one paper got accepted in COLING, which extends deep prompt tuning (DPT) to dense retrieval. By using two additional strategies, DPT got comparable performance with a fine-tuning.
- A joking paper is released: Can we create a new creature?
- A new paper is accepted in ICLR 2022 which could compress 12-layer BERT encoders into 1.5 M while with slight performance drop, see "Exploring extreme parameter compression for pre-trained language models".
- Our paper titled "Word2Fun: Modelling Words as Functions for Diachronic Word Representation" got accepted in NeurIPS 2021 with my supervisors Massimo and Emanuele. This introduces a new paradigm for time-specific word embeddings (e.g., imagining that word "president" in 2018 and 2021 generally refer to different people), with both theoretical advantages and empirical success. This is a kind of work that are smaller, better, and more interpretable.
- Our paper titled "On position embeddings in BERT" got accepted in ICLR 2021. Try searching "position embeddings" in Google .
- Our paper titled "Encoding word order in complex embeddings" got accepted with a spotlight presentation in ICLR 2020 (acceptance rate 6%). Codes were already open-sourced.. This is the first work for rotation-based position embeddings while the previous is translation-based.
- We won the Best explainable NLP paper in NAACL 2019 with 1000 dollars, present our paper together with BERT authors (Best Long paper winner). here
- I got Marie Curry Fellowship to rejoin academia in 2018. Thanks for the generous funding.
- Our book <推荐系统与深度学习> has been published, buy it in JD
- We (IRGAN) won the Best Paper honorable mention award in SIGIR 2017, one of the most-cited papers in SIGIR. See here
- NLPCC 2022 Best Paper
- NAACL 2019 Best Explainable NLP Paper
- SIGIR 2017 best paper award Honorable Mention
- Selected as a Marie Curie Researcher of Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory (QUARTZ), a fellowship for Early-stage Researcher, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 721321
- 2018.10- 2022.3: Ph.D student: information engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
- 2014.9-2017.2: Master: pattern recognition and intelligent system, Tianjin University, China.
- 2010.9-2014.6: Bachelor: software engineer, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, China.
Work and Intern
- 2022.6-~: Assistant Professor, School of Data Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
- 2018.6-2021.6: Marie Curie Researcher, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
- 2020.12: Visiting Scholar. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) in Dec. 2020 hosted by Pan Zhang
- 2019.11-2020-2: Visiting Student. University of Montreal from Dec. 2019 to Feb. 2020, hosted by Prof. Jian-Yun Nie.
- 2019.10: Visiting Student (one week). University of Amsterdam, hosted by Prof. Maarten de Rijke.
- 2019.9-2019.12: Visiting Student. DIKU IR Lab in University of Copenhagen, hosted by Prof. Christina Lioma.
- 2017.7-2018.6: Full-time Associate Researcher, Data Application Center, Tencent, China.
Professional Activities